Prescription Drug Addiction And Drug Charges

Jason Campbell • February 7, 2024

Addiction to prescription drugs can be dangerous. What starts as legal drug usage can quickly turn into something illegal if addiction and abuse are involved. Mississippi has harsh penalties when it comes to drug charges, even if they are prescription drugs. 

Any sort of drug charge could have a serious impact on your life. Not only will it impact your life now, but drug charges can continue to impact your future. If you’re facing drug charges, even for prescription drugs, it may be a good idea to contact a drug charges attorney. 

Jason Campbell is an experienced Mississippi drug charges attorney who will fight for you and your rights.
Contact Jason Campbell today to learn more about how we may be able to help you with drug charges.

Addiction To Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse most commonly starts with prescribed medical treatment and then leads to addiction and abuse. Drug dependence on prescription drugs, especially painkillers, can be a dangerous path.

Addiction to prescription drugs can lead to illegal behavior. Illegal actions related to prescription drug addiction are usually associated with drug-seeking behavior, possession, driving while using drugs, intent to distribute, or other associated crimes common to drug users.

Anyone who is abusing prescription drugs is at risk of facing legal consequences. Simply possessing prescription drugs without a valid prescription can be grounds for drug charges.

Prescription Drug Charges

The drug charges for illegally possessing or abusing prescription drugs depend on the type of drug and the quantity. Most prescription drugs are higher-schedule drugs because of their accepted medical uses, which means they typically come with less strict drug charges.

The specific drug and amount that you possess will determine what types of charges you could be looking at. Judges are given some discretion in drug charges, but the ranges of jail time or monetary fines are pre-determined.

The amount of drugs in your possession is important if you are charged. Some quantities of drug possession could lead to an intent to distribute charge. Intent to distribute is a lot more serious than possession. Even with Schedule IV and V drugs, being charged with intent to distribute can bring much harsher fines and jail time than possession.

Fighting Prescription Drug Charges

If you are charged with possession of prescription drugs, presenting a legitimate prescription for the drug in question could invalidate the illegal possession charges. This would require proof of the prescription and its validity at the time of the drug charge.

Proving you were unaware of the drugs is another defense against prescription drug charges. If you are able to prove that you didn’t know the drugs in question were in your house or your vehicle, you could be able to fight the drug charges.

There are a variety of ways that you can fight prescription drug charges. Working with an experienced drug crimes attorney can help you build your defense against drug charges. Your attorney can present you with any defense options that may be available to you and help you decide on the best option for your situation.

Contact a Drug Crimes Attorney Today

Any type of drug charge can be serious. Drug charges can have a major impact on your life right now and can continue to impact you in the future. With a drug charge on your record, your scholarships, housing options, and future employment could be impacted.

If you’re facing any sort of drug charge, it’s a good idea to work with an experienced attorney that you trust. A drug crimes attorney can make sure you are represented in the best light possible to help decrease your charges or potential impact on your future.

Work with an attorney who’s dedicated to helping you.
Contact Campbell Law Firm today to learn more about how we may be able to help you.

Mississippi Attorney Jason Campbell

Jason E. Campbell


Attorney Jason E. Campbell was born and raised in Greenville, Mississippi, and serves clients in the northern and central Mississippi areas with divorce, custody, criminal, and personal injury legal services. A graduate of Delta State University and Florida Coastal School of Law, Jason is dedicated to helping his clients throughout the legal process with compassion and determination.

Contact Jason
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