Going through a divorce can be emotionally taxing. Working with a divorce lawyer who understands your emotions and who will look out for your best interests can help take some of the burden off your shoulders. At Campbell Law, I strive to protect my clients' needs and rights.
There are two main types of divorce in Mississippi: no-fault divorce and fault divorce. It is always a good idea to work with an attorney for divorce, even if you are on good terms with your ex and are pursuing a no-fault divorce. The process of divorce can be contentious and cause issues.
As a fault-based divorce, the state of Mississippi recognizes
12 grounds for divorce, including adultery, desertion, drunkenness, and cruel treatment. You can learn more in our
divorce articles.
If you are considering a divorce, contacting a lawyer for divorce is a good idea. An experienced lawyer can help present you with your options and give you a realistic idea of the process and potential outcome.
Dividing marital property can be a difficult and emotional process. I understand that oftentimes a 50/50 division of assets might not make sense based on the length of a marriage, what assets you may have had coming into the marriage, and the reasons for your divorce. I work alongside my clients and identify these crucial factors to create an appropriate argument for property division.
Depending on the details of your divorce, one spouse may be entitled to receive financial support. As an experienced divorce attorney, I will work to protect your financial interests and come to an agreement on assets and debts that make the most sense for you and any children’s needs.
If you share children with your spouse deciding custody, child support, and visitation can be part of your divorce. As a family law lawyer, I can use my experience to help you navigate custody issues related to your children to help you receive the best possible result.
As a divorce lawyer for over 10 years, I take divorce issues very seriously. My primary goal is to ensure that your needs are met, and your rights are protected throughout the entire process.
The divorce process can be nerve-wracking and stressful, especially if you’re doing it on your own. I provide a helping hand and reliable expertise to make this process as easy as possible for you and your family. Contact me today for a free consultation to discuss the details of your situation and learn how I may be able to help. All phone calls are returned within 24 hours when you contact us by phone or via the contact form.
Campbell Law Firm, P.A.