Child custody laws for unmarried parents aren’t that different from laws for married parents, but there are different steps that unmarried parents have to take.
Establishing paternity is an important step in fathers' getting parental rights. Having paternity established can also be important for mothers who are hoping to receive child support.
Paternity and legitimation are important steps in legally establishing fatherhood and rights as a father. Without established paternity, you may not be eligible for physical or legal custody.
The relationship between a DUI and child custody can be complicated and add to the stress of getting a fair custody agreement or maintaining custody rights.
If a parent has a history of substance abuse or activity related to criminal drug use, the court may require drug testing before the parent can be granted custody.
Having a lawyer for child custody battles is not required, but they can make the process a lot easier for you and help you navigate a difficult situation.
Morality clauses are sometimes included in custody agreements as a way to protect children as they adjust to their parents living separately and being divorced.
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Campbell Law Firm, P.A.
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